Youmiko is your guide in the Secret Garden

Reviving the web fossil from 1997

The Secret Garden was crafted in 1997 using Adobe Flash. It is now available again for Desktop and Tablet in a HTML5 Version

This simple Point and Click adventure game allows you to dive into the world of the small girl Youmiko, of the grumpy Captain Bollo, and the fierce Fisho Cooda. Your mission is to help the dwellers of The Secret Garden to find the cause of a severe problem: The slow but inevitable destruction of their environment. The Secret Garden is a testament to the Flash internet of 1997 and a piece of internet culture.

  • may 1999

  • may 1999

  • may 1999

  • june 1998

  • june 1998

The Time Capsule Effect

A project from the time when the internet was still young and came out of the modem.

The internet of 1997 was entirely different from what we know today. It lacked common navigation standards, and due to slow modems, only the use of small images was possible, resulting in tiny website screen sizes. Creating a website in this era using tools like Flash marked a groundbreaking technical innovation. The vector-based graphics enabled fast-loading full-screen websites, entertaining interaction, animation, and even the use of sound. Whether you loved or hated Flash, the technology certainly introduced an entirely new and fascinating type of web experience that hadn't existed before. For over a decade, Flash established itself as the standard for interactive web experiences. Apple's decision to block Flash in November 2011 marked the irreversible decline of the technology.

The story behind the garden

The point-and-click adventure guides the player into a magical world threatened by progressive decay.

On his adventurous quest, the player will encounter an unusual squirrel, the dangerous Fishoo Cooda, and Captain Bollo with his snapp-rabbits. Extracting information from the inhabitants of the Secret Garden, he gradually assembles the puzzle. Time works against the player as the heart of the garden steadily warms up. Consequently, Princess Zong-oo's ice castle melts, and the world falls out of balance. Only by finding all the codes can he open the dragon gate and halt the decline of the garden. However, things don't always go as one wishes.

Main menu of the Secret Garden

The Main Menu of the Secret Garden

The Main Menu of the Secret Garden